TTCS3200 Color Recognition Sensor module is designed based on TCS3200 Color sensor chip that can convert light intensity to frequency. The TCS3200 chip is composed a matrix of 8×8 = 64 photodiode. These 64 photodiodes are divided into 4 groups: 16 photodiodes in each group. Each group of photodiodes is covered by a color filter of the three basic colors (RED, green and blue) and the fourth group is covered with clear filter.
So here is the working theory of the color sensor: since any color is basically made of the three primary colors (red-green-blue) that is mixed together in different ratios. So each of the photodiodes 3 groups will detect the intensity of the color that can pass through the filter (either red or blue or green). Therefore, the sensor analyzes the color into its primary colors, and this way the actual color of the object can be detected easily.
TCS3200color sensor is suitable for colorimeter measurement applications, such as color printing, medical diagnosis, computer color monitor calibration, and industrial process control based on object colors and color coordination of paints, textiles, cosmetics and printed materials.
- Power Supply: 3-5V;
- High-Resolution Conversion of Light Intensity to Frequency
- The optimum distance between the TCS3200 and the tested object is 1cm
- Dimension: 3cm x 2.7cm
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